Format json output
some-not-formated-json-string | python -mjson.tool
Creation of a json.php script which outputs a JSON string:
$a = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'boo' => 'far'
echo json_encode($a);
Here is the output of the script:
> php test-json.php
And with json.tool :
> php test-json.php | python -mjson.tool
"boo": "far",
"foo": "bar"
Written by padawin
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2 Responses

Or you could just use JSON_PRETTY_PRINT:
$a = array(
'foo' => 'bar',
'boo' => 'far'
echo json_encode($a, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
Which will produce the following output:
"foo": "bar",
"boo": "far"
over 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks!
However this is php specific. I used php just as an example.
For example in javascript:
ghislain@debian: /tmp
> cat test.js
console.log(JSON.stringify([{"name": "John"},{"name":"Peter"},{"name":"Dave"}]));
ghislain@debian: /tmp
> node test.js
ghislain@debian: /tmp
> node /tmp/test.js | python -mjson.tool
"name": "John"
"name": "Peter"
"name": "Dave"
or to use to parse an API response for example.
over 1 year ago
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