Popular Performance Programming Tips
Optimizing PHP
Diogo Parrinha
1 response
php, performance, tips, optimization
The PHP Benchmark - Live PHP Benchmark
Nathan Malcolm
2 responses
php, performance, benchmark
Asset subdomains in Rails
Yury Lebedev
0 responses
rails, performance, assets
ag vs. ack – performance booster for programmers
Wojtek Ryrych
1 response
shell, performance, ack, ag
Remove whitespace from CSS using PHP
James Barnett
0 responses
php, css, performance, minify
Evaluating CDN perforamance for your users using Google Analytics
Mohan Krishnan
0 responses
performance, cdn, javascript
Javascript Array length performance comparison
0 responses
javascript, performance
Avoid tag selectors for common elements
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
css, performance
Use bitwise instead of Math-functions in JavaScript
Thomas Lindstrøm
0 responses
performance, math, boost, bitwise
Native equivalents of jQuery functions
Jiew Meng
3 responses
performance, javascript, jquery
Count of WAITING Threads in JVM
Greg Roodt
0 responses
java, performance, jvm, concurrency
Specs and cucumber : 32 or 64bit?
Pierre Ozoux
2 responses
ruby, performance, cucumber, specs
Reducing the file size of HTML documents
Dennis Gaebel
2 responses
performance, dom optimizations, html
Discover the power of NewRelic
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
ruby, php, .net, security
PhoneGap performance tips
Babos Csaba
2 responses
performance, tips, phonegap
Web page performance optimization with Audits
1 response
chrome, test, performance, audits
Javascript performance optimization: profiling
Francesco Zaia
4 responses
performance, javascript
How do types affect PosgreSQL query planning
Jordi Pradel
0 responses
performance, postgresql
Core principles to make performant PHP applications
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
php, performance, programming
Doctrine Huge Collections Performance Tip
Tomasz Ślązok
0 responses
php, performance, doctrine
Responsive design image efficiency stats
Jason Ormand
2 responses
responsive, performance, underscore, image
CSS Selectors Speed
0 responses
css, performance
Optimizing a website performance
Mukunda Modell
2 responses
performance, sprites, optimization
Grunt with Compass
Phong Huynh
0 responses
performance, sass, compass, foundation
Optimize php: Put php session files in the ram for more performance.
Patrik Kernstock
0 responses
php, linux, performance, unix