Popular Performance Programming Tips
A little secret on performance and perception
Diana Zink
1 response
performance, career, perception
Using "switch" instead of "else if" for better performance
Eduardo Pino
2 responses
performance, phonegap, javascript
Speedup rvm ruby on mac
Marcel Medak
1 response
ruby, mac, performance, rvm
Page load time mindmap
Dmitry Pashkevich
1 response
performance, speed, optimization, webpage
Improving Disk I/O in PHP Apps
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
php, io, performance
Simplified debouncing - javascript.
Ken Stowell
0 responses
performance, async, javascript, debouncing
Test for real-world network speeds
Héctor Gómez
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xcode, osx, test, mac
Awesome visualization for JS profiling
Phil Freo
0 responses
chrome, performance, js, profiling
Avoid Enums Where You Only Need Ints
Gautam Basubramanian
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android, protip, java, enums
Ruby performance patch.
Tu Hoang
0 responses
ruby, performance, rvm
How to run Ruby GC after a memory expensive request with Unicorn
Estevão Mascarenhas
0 responses
ruby, performance, unicorn, gc
Easily check if a website has compression enabled
Reece Sellars
0 responses
performance, apache, gzip, workflow
Some short and quick SQL performance tips
Gjero Krsteski
2 responses
mysql, sql, performance, tune
Json performance in Python 2.6+
Kiran Gangadharan
0 responses
python, performance, json
Introducing grunt-juve
Steve Elliott
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nodejs, performance, grunt
Flame Chart profile tool for performance
Jordan Papaleo
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chrome, angularjs, performance, profile
Navigation Timing
Adam Chambers
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performance, analysis, html5, javascript
Pseudo reverse indexes in Mysql
Julio Betta
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mysql, performance, index
PageSpeed: Site performance analysis
Bashir Eghbali
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performance, pagespeed
Math.floor quick and easy
jonathan de montalembert
0 responses
performance, math.floor, bitwise, javascript
View (and manage) Ubuntu's auto-started tasks
Uri Sharf
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linux, desktop, performance, ubuntu
Optimizing python code
Lee Penkman
0 responses
python, performance, code review
MiniProfiler - A simple and efficient performance test
Oswaldo Ferreira
0 responses
rails, test, performance, development
range or xrange?
0 responses
python, performance, range, xrange
Rails - postgisnearest neighbor performance
0 responses
performance, postgres, postgis, rails4