Popular Password Programming Tips
Correct way to store passwords in Node.js
Dmytro Yashkir
3 responses
password, bcrypt, javascript, nodejs
Storing password in keychain the smart way
Philippe Converset
3 responses
password, ios, keychain, username
PHP Encrypt, Decrypt, Generate Random Passwords with mcrypt
Pedro Luz
4 responses
php, password, salt, mcrypt
Sonata Admin Bundle User Password
1 response
php, symfony, password, bundle
Simple Random Password in Symfony 2
1 response
random, password, symfony2
Failing to change user password in Rails console
Kenneth Falck
0 responses
rails, devise, password, user
Resetting your MySQL root password on Mac OSX Lion
Carlos Saba
0 responses
mysql, lion, password, root
Capistrano prompt for input or password
Denis Savitskiy
1 response
prompt, input, capistrano, deployment
Use macOS keychain for Ansible vault passwords
Koen Punt
0 responses
ansible, macos, keychain, password
VMWare vCSA Local User Password Expiration
Ozzy Johnson
0 responses
linux, password, login, vmware
Trigger 'Remember password' notice in AJAX forms
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
email, form, password, login
Usando Postgres local sem senha
Fernando Almeida
0 responses
postgres, localhost, password, pt-br
Secure password encryption in Maven
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, maven, password, encryption
Using password_hash() with PHP >= 5.3.7 < 5.5
Marcelo Santos
0 responses
php, password
Make password asterisks visible in your terminal
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
terminal, vim, linux, sudo
Efficient way to protect a password on a database
4 responses
php, security, hash, password
HOWTO: !!!NOT!!! Store Passwords in Applications!
Frank Lemanschik
7 responses
password, storage, database user model, saver way to store passwords
NSString SHA1 Verification
Max Kramer
0 responses
objective-c, ios, regex, password
Javascript random password
Pedro Luz
0 responses
random, password, javascript
Never have to clear your password from your bash history again!
Greg Swift
0 responses
shell, password, bash
Easily Enable Password-less SSH Logins
Jasdeep Singh
3 responses
ssh, password, login, servers
managing ssh keys and connect without password
1 response
shell, ssh, password, rsa
Stronger passwords with space
Aleš Farčnik
3 responses
security, password, space, encoding
Passm - password manager with sqlite in bash
0 responses
console, terminal, sh, linux
Easy and trouble-free copying your SSH public key to a server
Victor Jalencas
0 responses
ssh, password, login, public key
Recent Activity
Use macOS keychain for Ansible vault passwords
Koen Punt
ansible, macos, keychain, password
craete a unforgetable long root password with md5sum or sha256sum.
password, md5sum, sha256sum
BASH - generate password randomly in CLI
bash, cli, password
Create random Password in Command Line
Diego Paladino
cli, random, password
Generate a strong random string (Unix)
Christoffer Niska
unix, openssl, password, generate
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