Popular Password Programming Tips
iOS framework for encrypting app data
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mobile, security, password, ios
Secure Rails Passwords in Models
Aurimas Niekis
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ruby, rails, password, bcrypt
MySQL server installation with custom password in Ansible
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mysql, vagrant, server, password
How to change your Skype password
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html, chrome, password, skype
Password Expiration Notification
denial parl
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password, expiration, reminder
Opencart Database Trigger for Admin Password Override
Azri Jamil
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mysql, database, innodb, password
Generate a strong random string (Unix)
Christoffer Niska
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unix, openssl, password, generate
Python3 Port Of py-bcrypt
Doğan Aydın
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python, password, python3, bcrypt
Generate Random Password
Mark Steve
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python, random, password
Security tip, remember to password confirm email address changes
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security, cms, password
Change or reset passwords in Drupal
Luc Bézier
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drush, drupal, password
Reset mysql root passwd
Andrew Sledge
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mysql, password
Quickly check the SHA1 of a string
Rob Griffiths
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shell, password, sha1, protip
Edit sensitive files with vim
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security, vim, password, modeline
Custom password policies in GateIn
Juraci Paixão Kröhling
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password, gatein
Forgotten passwords on Mac
Jason Rogers
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command line, mac, password
CLI Password Generator [BASH]
Ruslan Bekenev
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password, bash
craete a unforgetable long root password with md5sum or sha256sum.
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password, md5sum, sha256sum
Windows login not working
Troy Shields
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password, login, windows
password generator using symbols
Wisnu Hendro W
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php, password
BASH - generate password randomly in CLI
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bash, cli, password
Create random Password in Command Line
Diego Paladino
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cli, random, password