Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· jandintel

How to change your Skype password

As you would expect from Microsoft -sorry, for the bashing- not everything is as easy as you would think. Take for example changing your Skype password. If you go to the Skype page for changing your password. (Google Chrome, here) You get to see three nice form fields.

Type in your old password and your new pass.. hold on, you can't! The fields where you would type your new password are disabled. But how can I change my password then? Here is a workaround:

I. Right click on the password fields and inspect the page.

II. Get the HTML of the form field:

<input type="password" name="password_1" class="password1 is-disabled" value="" id="password1" disabled="disabled">

III. Enable the field by removing the disabled attribute:

<input type="password" name="password_1" class="password1 is-disabled" value="" id="password1">

IV. Do the same for the confirm password field.

V. Fill in your new password and save the changes.

Now you changed your password!