Newest P Hp Programming Tips
Launch just one test with PHPUnit in cli
Renaud Wellens
0 responses
php, cli, unit test, phpunit
Two ways to convert an array of any length into a string with "and" before final entry in PHP
Anthony Levings
0 responses
php, array, author, function
Automatizando deploy com Phing
0 responses
php, open-source, deploy, phing
Doctrine using an id instead of passing the object
Gonçalo Margalho
0 responses
php, doctrine, symfony2
Open sublime on line error
Youri van der Lans
0 responses
php, sublime, xdebug, error
PHP :: Database Connection with file .ini
Everton Silva
4 responses
php, config, database
json_encode() VS serialize() with PHP Arrays
Thomas Puppe
1 response
php, json, array. serialize
Symfony2 Form Theme Typos
Rhodri Pugh
0 responses
php, symfony2, typos
PHP Debug to Console even in Wordpress
Dustin Fadler
0 responses
php, wordpress
Don't manage the semi collin
Josh Beauregard
0 responses
php, syntax, codeing
Testing with Sessions (Symfony2)
Joeri Timmermans
0 responses
php, unit testing, sessions, phpunit
Comparing floats
Zoltan Nagy
0 responses
php, mysql, float, floating point
Start PHP5.4 built-in server in background
0 responses
php, linux
Excecutables in Composer
Willem van der Jagt
0 responses
php, composer, bin
Check if is local connection in PHP (by IP comparison)
Ivan Castellanos
0 responses
php, apache, server, localhost
Database Integer Problem
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
php, csv, sum, integer
Wordpress Plugins
Aleksandar Perisic
0 responses
php, plugin, plugins, wp
Zend Framework 2 and classmap autoloading
Markus Hausammann
0 responses
php, composer, zend framework
Programação defensiva em PHP
Dan Jesus
0 responses
php, programa
Many ways to start a local web server
John Piasetzki
0 responses
php, python, linux, npm
Anteponer ceros con PHP
Yesi D
2 responses
Use form handlers in symfony2
Kristian Lewis Jones
0 responses
php, symfony2
The attitude to learn
0 responses
php, programming, learning, process
Compensate for Google Maps inaccuracy
Michał Kowalkowski
0 responses
php, javascript