Newest P Hp Programming Tips
MongoDB + PHP e definição de variáveis
Michel Wilhelm
0 responses
php, mongodb
Launch a quick PHP web-server for dev/tests
Peter Peterson
1 response
php, cors, quick, ajax
Test Driven Development
Jesse Reese
0 responses
php, development, programming, unit testing
jsfiddle diff
0 responses
php, css, diff, js
Creating Dynamic Image Thumbnails Using PHP
Ronald Nicholls
0 responses
php, dynamic, coding, thumbnails
Envoyer des notifications Facebook
0 responses
php, facebook, api, sdk
Codeception: BDD-style PHP testing
Dmitry Belaventsev
0 responses
php, testing, bdd
Recursive PHP Linter
Thomas Hunter II
0 responses
php, bashrc, renownedmedia, bash
.vimrc PHP Commands
Thomas Hunter II
0 responses
php, vim, vimrc, renownedmedia
Get the previous working day
Salustiano Silva
2 responses
php, dates
My voluptuous code editing mistress: Sublime Text
Nicholas Jordon
3 responses
javascript, jquery, php, shell
Only front page works on Drupal site
Tim Fernihough
0 responses
php, drupal, apache
FULL guide for integrating facebook with fos userbundle in symfony 2.1
Vince Verberckt
21 responses
php, symfony 2.1, fos user bundle, fos facebook bundle
Why good documentation can get you more love than $1000
Nicholas Jordon
3 responses
php, documentation, open source, api
Beautifying PHP If Else Statements
Brandon Anzaldi
6 responses
php, tricks
PHP: Chainable cURL Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
1 response
php, api, curl, oop
PHP: Procedural to Object Oriented API
Stefano Azzolini
0 responses
php, proxy, api, curl
Wrapping a PHP class for easy method chaining
Stefano Azzolini
12 responses
php, proxy, chain
Wordpress Page/Post Gallery
David Chase
0 responses
php, gallery, shortcodes, wordpress
Use ChromePHP to debug PHP
Zach Reed
4 responses
php, chrome, chromephp, google chrome
Check/Fix your PHP code - PSRs
Er Galvão Abbott
2 responses
php, psr-1, psr-2, php-fig
Learning php stuffs
Aleksandar Vučenić
2 responses
php, learning, beginners
Darken HEX color in PHP
Aleš Farčnik
0 responses
php, color, darken, hex
CMSploit! - 200k websites security scan
Max Małecki
1 response
php, mysql, emacs, security