Brazilian programmer and web app security advisor. President of the Brazilian Association for PHP Professionals (ABRAPHP) and Director of PHP Conference Brazil, the main PHP event in Latin America.
Joined August 2011
PHP7: More strict! (but only if you want it to be)
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
php, php7, sth
Use PHP's native Filter and Validation functions!
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
php, security
PSR-2 Character limit visual aid for (G)Vim
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
php, vim, gvim, psr-2
Easily verifying a file checksum
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
firefox, terminal, linux, checksum
Check/Fix your PHP code - PSRs
Er Galvão Abbott
2 responses
php, psr-1, psr-2, php-fig
61 Karma
4,871 Total ProTip Views

Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need