Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Static Asset Cache Buster
Matt Ryan
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ruby, php, cache, git
Have some cool HTML, CSS, JS, PHP snippets? Share them
Kasper Mikiewicz
0 responses
php, css, html, js
Update Doctrine - PHP
Isaac Limon G.
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php, update, doctrine
Presentation about PIMF PHP Micro Framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, mvc, framework, oop
Pixeler - A PHP UTF-8 dot matrix renderer
Stefano Azzolini
0 responses
php, cli, images, utf-8
Insert Doctrine - PHP
Isaac Limon G.
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php, doctrine, insert
Turn Off Substitutions in OS X Mavericks Text Edit
Wayne Roddy
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php, apple, csv
Host Composer Packages in Github Gists
C. Hochstrasser
1 response
php, composer
Antony D'Andrea
0 responses
Readable var_dump output
Suzanne Aldrich
0 responses
php, debugging
Adding a REPL to Kohana
Tung Dao
0 responses
php, repl, kohana
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php, css, blog, flash
Easily Install SQL Native Client on Windows
Azri Jamil
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php, sql, cli, chocolatey
HTTP status codes
Alexandru G.
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ruby, php, http, ietf
Switching from File to APC for Caching
Ash Srinivas
0 responses
php, cakephp
PHPStorm "Type hinting", if you can call it that
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php, phpstorm, type hinting
Makiavelo::New web framework in the making
Fernando Doglio
0 responses
php, webframework
PSR-2 Character limit visual aid for (G)Vim
Er Galvão Abbott
0 responses
php, vim, gvim, psr-2
How to do a personalisable error on your Website
0 responses
php, css, apache, error
Group a collection by X
Erik Straub
0 responses
ruby, php, loop, array
Easy Templating in PHP
Nathan Rutman
0 responses
php, template
A unique artisan command for many Laravel projects
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php, laravel, artisan
Polynomial Division Calculator
0 responses
php, mathematics