I love fixing legacy code, technical debt, bugs, and generally improving code.
Joined September 2012
Twitter sharing via HTML (useful for emails)
Peter Morlion
2 responses
html, twitter
Stubbing on a Partial Mock with RhinoMocks
Peter Morlion
0 responses
tdd, rhinomocks
KnockoutJS and ASP.NET Repeater
Peter Morlion
0 responses
knockout, javascript, asp.net
ASP.NET and jQuery submit event
Peter Morlion
0 responses
javascript, jquery, postback, asp.net
Getting all properties of a WCF-result in SSRS
Peter Morlion
0 responses
xml, wcf, ssrs, sql-reports
Relative paths from the root in javascript
Peter Morlion
0 responses
Prevent ul li step-downs in IE
Peter Morlion
0 responses
css, ie, internet explorer
Cancel build in Visual Studio
Peter Morlion
0 responses
keyboard, visual studio, build, vs2012
Keep tab open in VS2012 with keyboard
Peter Morlion
0 responses
keyboard, vs2012
Drupal out of memory and PDO
Peter Morlion
0 responses
php, drupal, memory
447 Karma
98,657 Total ProTip Views

Have at least one original repo where C# is the dominant language