Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Installing and Getting Started with Gearman
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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php, gearman
Drupal out of memory and PDO
Peter Morlion
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Translate your PHP app efficiently
Maximilian Weber
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Generate a random code
Yesi D
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php, random
easy php flash notifications
Yuri Tkachenko
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php, flash
Wordpress Plugins
Aleksandar Perisic
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php, plugin, plugins, wp
Andres F. Trujillo
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php, hola
Redefine default Monstra component
Sergey Romanenko
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php, cms, monstra
Avoid CKEditor for WordPress including crap in your head
Sergi Meseguer
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php, script, wordpress, head
MySQL Credential Testing
Damian Tommasino
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php, python, mysql, security
Function for quick array item(s) retrieval (+modification).
Morrison Laju
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php, function, arrays
Avoid Cross Site Scripting
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php, security, development
Use array_map to call a method in class with multiple params
Djamel Eddine Feddad
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php, method, class, oop
Prevent accidental back-references
Brandon Probst
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php, regex, escaping, back-references
Launch just one test with PHPUnit in cli
Renaud Wellens
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php, cli, unit test, phpunit
Cloud Laravel Development-Environment in under 5 minutes
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Enabling Gzip Compression
Glenn Friesen
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php, gzip, seo, compression
Ole Michaelis
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php, conferences, stuff, myfirstprotip
Build a simple Urban dictionary agnostic of common slangs & meanings
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php, travis, packagist, tdd
Sort your Paid iPhone and iPad Apps
Chris McCoy
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php, bash, osx, sed
Get your node field_collection easy
Flávio Rodrigues
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php, drupal