Popular P Hp Programming Tips
To retrieve URL paths in a Magento PHTML file
Subrata Bauri
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Make Behat comments visible in Mac OS X Terminal
Adeola Awoyemi
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13 line singleton implementation
Marco Bunge
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Test if method have annotation with PhpUnit
Renaud Wellens
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Escape JSON string
Ezequias Dinella
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Don't manage the semi collin
Josh Beauregard
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CASH Music platform
jesse von doom
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Remove New Lines after you Crawl
Wayne Roddy
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How to get a file extension in several languages
Arnold Daniels
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PHP class kickstart
Michael Dyrynda
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Database Integer Problem
Wayne Roddy
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JavaScript Conditionals with Different Server Configurations
Zennon Gosalvez
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PHP Debug to Console even in Wordpress
Dustin Fadler
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Chef phpdaemon recipe for ubuntu
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Changing time format in PHP
Maynard Cabalitan
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Creating a presentation card with PHP GDImage
Jose Luis Quintana
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PHP 5.4.6 and PHP 5.3.16 released!
Adriano Rodrigo Guerreiro Laranjeira
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php, adrianoguerreiro
Magento: JSON Routes
Dylan Lukes
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php, json, magento
Setup your PHP-Environment in no time
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Fix Errors Whilst Using Referenced Functions
Antony D'Andrea
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php, referenced functions