Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· pimschaaf

Pagespeed: Serve resources with proper media types

Serve resources with the proper media types (MIME-type). Ensuring the right media types are being served, allows for effective browser caching through Apache's ModExpire or FilesMatch.

From HTML5 Boilerplate.

In .htaccess:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Media types                                                        |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Serve resources with the proper media types (f.k.a. MIME types).

<IfModule mod_mime.c>

  # Data interchange

    AddType application/json                            json map topojson
    AddType application/ld+json                         jsonld
    AddType application/vnd.geo+json                    geojson
    AddType application/xml                             atom rdf rss xml

  # JavaScript

    # Normalize to standard type.

    AddType application/javascript                      js

  # Manifest files

    # If you are providing a web application manifest file (see
    # the specification:, it is
    # recommended that you serve it with the `application/manifest+json`
    # media type.
    # Because the web application manifest file doesn't have its
    # own unique file extension, you can set its media type either
    # by matching:
    # 1) the exact location of the file (this can be done using a
    #    directive such as `<Location>`, but it will NOT work in
    #    the `.htaccess` file, so you will have to do it in the main
    #    server configuration file or inside of a `<VirtualHost>`
    #    container)
    #    e.g.:
    #       <Location "/.well-known/manifest.json">
    #           AddType application/manifest+json               json
    #       </Location>
    # 2) the filename (this can be problematic as you will need to
    #    ensure that you don't have any other file with the same name
    #    as the one you gave to your web application manifest file)
    #    e.g.:
    #       <Files "manifest.json">
    #           AddType application/manifest+json               json
    #       </Files>

    AddType application/x-web-app-manifest+json         webapp
    AddType text/cache-manifest                         appcache manifest

  # Media files

    AddType audio/mp4                                   f4a f4b m4a
    AddType audio/ogg                                   oga ogg opus
    AddType image/bmp                                   bmp
    AddType image/svg+xml                               svg svgz
    AddType image/webp                                  webp
    AddType video/mp4                                   f4v f4p m4v mp4
    AddType video/ogg                                   ogv
    AddType video/webm                                  webm
    AddType video/x-flv                                 flv

    # Serving `.ico` image files with a different media type
    # prevents Internet Explorer from displaying then as images:

    AddType image/x-icon                                cur ico

  # Web fonts

    AddType application/font-woff                       woff
    AddType application/font-woff2                      woff2
    AddType application/               eot

    # Browsers usually ignore the font media types and simply sniff
    # the bytes to figure out the font type.
    # However, Blink and WebKit based browsers will show a warning
    # in the console if the following font types are served with any
    # other media types.

    AddType application/x-font-ttf                      ttc ttf
    AddType font/opentype                               otf

  # Other

    AddType application/octet-stream                    safariextz
    AddType application/x-bb-appworld                   bbaw
    AddType application/x-chrome-extension              crx
    AddType application/x-opera-extension               oex
    AddType application/x-xpinstall                     xpi
    AddType text/vcard                                  vcard vcf
    AddType text/vnd.rim.location.xloc                  xloc
    AddType text/vtt                                    vtt
    AddType text/x-component                            htc


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# | Character encodings                                                |
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------

# Serve all resources labeled as `text/html` or `text/plain`
# with the media type `charset` parameter set to `UTF-8`.

AddDefaultCharset utf-8

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

# Serve the following file types with the media type `charset`
# parameter set to `UTF-8`.

<IfModule mod_mime.c>
    AddCharset utf-8 .atom \
                     .bbaw \
                     .css \
                     .geojson \
                     .js \
                     .json \
                     .jsonld \
                     .rdf \
                     .rss \
                     .topojson \
                     .vtt \
                     .webapp \
                     .xloc \