Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Checking if a PHP method was called via late-static binding
Trevor N. Suarez
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php, oop, late static binding
Use a gaming mouse for programming!
Adrian Imfeld
0 responses
php, ergonomics
Heroku PHP Worker
Wim Mostmans
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php, heroku, worker
Like array_search, but searches a full string
Jorge Colon
2 responses
php, tip, search, unit testing
Adding Twig_SimpleFilter to a Silex application
Raphael Stolt
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php, silex, twig
CakePHP multilingual route
1 response
php, route, cakephp
Protecting Wordpress - Hugging .htaccess
1 response
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PHP, MySql and Yahoo Flash Charts, Yahoo Dev Network
0 responses
php, mysql, flash
Count pages in PDF
Stephan Groen
0 responses
php, linux, pdf
Routing with PIMF php micro framework
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, routing, framework, oop
Pagespeed: Enable compression through Apache Modules
0 responses
php, apache, pagespeed, gzip
php singleton
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php, database, singleton
Use File Cache for a Simple Drupal Speed Boost
0 responses
php, drupal, optimization
Facebook Debugger for Open Graph Tags and Short Links
Phong Huynh
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php, facebook, api, sdk
Run CodeIgniter controllers from the commandline
Pedro Luz
0 responses
php, codeigniter, commandline, cronjob
Symfony 1.4 - Disable Doctrine profiler on cli environment
Miguel Montes Porras
0 responses
php, symfony, doctrine
Convert a Unix timestamp to time in Javascript
1 response
php, convert, time, javascript
Simple Function to check for post type
raz ohad
1 response
php, custom post types, wordpress
PHP Storm 6 - Darkula Theme [EAP]
Frédérick Lebel
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php, ide, phpstorm, darkui
PHPDoc and VIM
0 responses
php, vim, phpdoc
Simple PHP force-download for any MIME type
0 responses
php, download, file download