Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Using anonymous functions and closures for user-defined array sorting
Felipe Lavín Z.
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php, closures, anonymous functions, sorting arrays
PHP hashbang
Sam-Mauris Yong
0 responses
php, shell, osx, linux
Getting CSV data from a string
David North
0 responses
php, csv
Don't waste time on XML, json ftw
8 responses
php, js, api, json
Check a 1D array for emptiness
kanuj bhatnagar
7 responses
php, array
Google Voice API
Sean Burke
0 responses
jquery, php, css3, webkit
MongoLite - NoSql implemented in Php (+Sqlite)
1 response
php, sqlite, mongodb, nosql
PHP: in-line default value for variables,
Larry Williamson
3 responses
php, variables, default
dump mysql using PHP script
0 responses
php, mysql
A checklist for avoiding issues with international characters in PHP & MySQL
Oliver Gašpar
2 responses
php, mysql, utf-8, charset
Cockpit - super lightweight and "pluggable" cms.
0 responses
php, cms, jquery, angularjs
how to use CArrayDataProvider
Аспирин Хаостиков
0 responses
php, yii, carraydataprovider, cgridview
Tools: Import and export of CSV and JSON files
Marco Bunge
0 responses
php, development, json, import
CodeIgniter RSS Parser
Haso Keric
0 responses
php, codeigniter, rss
Wordpress Page/Post Gallery
David Chase
0 responses
php, gallery, shortcodes, wordpress
Simple Blog using PIMF micro framework and SQLite database
Gjero Krsteski
1 response
php, mvc, blog, micro
Easier cache for Laravel3
Cyrus David
0 responses
php, laravel, laravel 3
Php's foreach with string key
Henrotte Simon
1 response
php, string, array, foreach
Get permalink for category by category name
Dwight Scott
0 responses
php, wordpress
Install Magento Modules with Composer
Daniel Fahlke
0 responses
php, magento, composer
Recursive PHP Linter
Thomas Hunter II
0 responses
php, bashrc, renownedmedia, bash
OverAPI.com - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
jquery, ruby, php, python
Best practices for writing procedural SQL queries
Jon Peck
0 responses
php, mysql, sql, queries
Running PHP scripts in terminal on Media Temple (gs)
Ian Tearle
0 responses
php, media temple