Popular P Hp Programming Tips
Beautifying PHP If Else Statements
Brandon Anzaldi
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php, tricks
Internationalize your site : get / set the user language
Loick Pyrech'
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php, language
Free HTML snippets for Twitter Bootstrap
Maks Surguy
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php, css, code, bootstrap
Create dynamic virtual hosts with Apache2
0 responses
php, linux, apache2, vhosts
Getting an array index, the laravel way
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php, laravel, tips
Running PHP inline on the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
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php, command line, bash
Phpunit + Git Pre-commit awesomeness
Daniel Holmes
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php, test, protip, git
PHP - strcmp() could leave you alone in deep sh*t
1 response
php, hack, security, bypass
Conditional Assignment (null coalescing)
Nick Jacob
0 responses
ruby, php, python, javascript
Unittest Restful Api with Symfony 2
Jan Krause
0 responses
php, restful, phpunit, symfony2
Interactive example of Object Oriented Programming and Design Principles
Jorge Colon
0 responses
php, ood, object oriented programming, functional programming
Meteor RESTful authentication
Sean Yang
0 responses
ruby, php, rails, meteor
Cleaning cache with Drush
Rafael Silva
2 responses
php, drupal
MyBB Protip: Stop Spambots
Paul H.
0 responses
php, open source, mybb
Catch errors in your L4 application
Hélder Duarte
3 responses
php, exceptions, laravel, errors
Accessing private PHP class members per reference
Marco Pivetta
7 responses
php, reflection, closures, language hacks
SOLVED: MAMP won't use the right PHP binary. What's wrong?
Tim Fernihough
0 responses
php, mamp, unix
Nginx PHP Query Strings
Jesse O'Brien
0 responses
php, nginx, php-fpm
Only front page works on Drupal site
Tim Fernihough
0 responses
php, drupal, apache