Popular Gist Programming Tips
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
Bob Williams
4 responses
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Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
0 responses
gist, github
Using Sublime Text 2 to insert/open/update Gist from Github.com
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
1 response
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gist script from command line
1 response
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Istall mono on Mac OS X via homebrew
Serg Podtynnyi
0 responses
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Why do we still need Evernote since there is awesome gist.github.com
Jichao Ouyang
1 response
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commiting to a remote github gist
Mike Mondragon
0 responses
gist, git, github
Material Color Palette
Mostafa Gazar
0 responses
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Highlight your Gist syntax with solarized
0 responses
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HTML5 geolocation with fallback
Tom Roggero
0 responses
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Ruby Gist Script
Zach Queal
1 response
ruby, gist, git
Script to ensure added migration files are not missed from commit
Bashir Eghbali
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Git live log (without flickering)
0 responses
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Using gists with github automatic page generators
Anas Nakawa
0 responses
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Task Lists in Github Gists
Sıtkı Bağdat
2 responses
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Make bootstrap from develop
Marcos Hernández
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Gist made easy for mac
Erik Chacon
0 responses
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Mac OS X Vim installer with Thor and Mercurial
Juan Hernández Babón
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Manage public keys on the server with gist
Daniel Romero
0 responses
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Setting up a git managed website
Marcos Hernández
0 responses
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distribute scripts as gist micro-gems
Mike Mondragon
0 responses
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Create Gist from files in command line
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
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Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
vim, plugin, gist
Recent Activity
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
save typescripts as Github gists
bash, github, gist
Hacky Type Hinting in Ruby
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Quickly save code snippets to gist using vim
kiran ps
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