Popular Gist Programming Tips
Freshbooks Invoice Total Hours
Oncle Tom
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Justin Seiter
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Keeping order in github's gist's snippets
Carlos Cámara
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Clojure developers blog with Github Gists
John Stevenson
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Gist do it!!
Bob Williams
1 response
gist, github
Make Github Gist editor automatically resize.
Joel Day
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Get rss feed from Gist by adding .atom bt the end
Jichao Ouyang
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postgres 9.1.6 homebrew formula
Juan Felipe Alvarez Saldarriaga
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Revoke an user access on codeplane repo
Rodrigo Pinto
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Auto-update apt repo keys in 248 characters.
Drew Prentice
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Quickly save code snippets to gist using vim
kiran ps
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Generate Gist Feed with Yahoo Pipes
Jichao Ouyang
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save typescripts as Github gists
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Hacky Type Hinting in Ruby
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shuttle config for engineyard
Duarte Henriques
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