Newest Gist Programming Tips
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
save typescripts as Github gists
0 responses
bash, github, gist
Hacky Type Hinting in Ruby
0 responses
gist, ruby, type hinting
Quickly save code snippets to gist using vim
kiran ps
0 responses
vim, plugin, gist, snippets
shuttle config for engineyard
Duarte Henriques
0 responses
engineyard, gist, ey, shuttle
Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
0 responses
gist, github
Get rss feed from Gist by adding .atom bt the end
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
gist, git, github
Material Color Palette
Mostafa Gazar
0 responses
color, gist, random, palette
Generate Gist Feed with Yahoo Pipes
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
gist, rss, yahoo pipes
Why do we still need Evernote since there is awesome
Jichao Ouyang
1 response
emacs, gist, evernote, atom
Manage public keys on the server with gist
Daniel Romero
0 responses
linux, ssh, gist, server
Benjamin Chrétien
0 responses
vim, plugin, gist
Keeping order in github's gist's snippets
Carlos Cámara
0 responses
gist, snippets
Create Gist from files in command line
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, github, rails, gist
Make Github Gist editor automatically resize.
Joel Day
0 responses
javascript, github, chrome, development
Justin Seiter
0 responses
gist, git, github
Task Lists in Github Gists
Sıtkı Bağdat
2 responses
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Gist made easy for mac
Erik Chacon
0 responses
ruby, gem, gist, github
Auto-update apt repo keys in 248 characters.
Drew Prentice
0 responses
shell, linux, ssh, gist
Istall mono on Mac OS X via homebrew
Serg Podtynnyi
0 responses
mac, gist, homebrew, mono
distribute scripts as gist micro-gems
Mike Mondragon
0 responses
ruby, github, rubygems, git
commiting to a remote github gist
Mike Mondragon
0 responses
gist, git, github
Setting up a git managed website
Marcos Hernández
0 responses
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Make bootstrap from develop
Marcos Hernández
0 responses
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Most Viewed This Month
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
php, wp_query, functions, github
Sublime Text 2 – Useful Shortcuts (Mac OS X)
Bob Williams
sublime, gist, shortcuts
Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
gist, github
Using Sublime Text 2 to insert/open/update Gist from
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
github, sublime text, gist
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