Popular Web Programming Tips
Semantic templates with enlive and microdata
Aleš Roubíček
0 responses
microdata, template, html5, enlive
0 responses
css, font, design, fonts
Best way to link stylesheets in the <head> for RWD
J. Hogue
1 response
css, design, html, pe1999
A @mixin for retina images in sass
Fabio Marasco
0 responses
sass, retina, mixin, media
Poor Man's nth-child for LT IE 9
Matt Stow
0 responses
css, mixin, nth-child, sass
Conditional styling of elements
Beno Rudolf
0 responses
css, css3
Create a PHP/CSS file
Danny Outlaw
1 response
php, css, wordpress, redux
Throbbing Things in CSS
Darryl Wright
0 responses
eyesno, css, web, css3
Add a slick shadow to your page elements with pure CSS
Jon Thomas
0 responses
css, css3, html
Compass URL helpers
Matt Hernandez
2 responses
css, sass, compass
Retina graphics script
Andrea Grasso
0 responses
jquery, css, html
Funny HTML5 Benchmark
0 responses
benchmark, html5
Convert CSS RGB value to HEX value
Filip Tepper
0 responses
ruby, css, capybara
Scalable Circles in CSS3
Tyler Howarth
0 responses
css, design
Inspecting HTML/JS code on Android devices for web development
Francesco Zaia
1 response
css, android, web development, responsive web design
Cleaning up LESS stylesheet from browser specific properties
Akhyar A.
0 responses
css, css3, stylesheet, less
Sass Mixin for Carets/arrows
Tessa Thornton
0 responses
sass, css
CSS Mixin for Jade
Chris Albrecht
0 responses
css, html, mixin, jade
Using body as a container
Félix Saparelli
1 response
css, markup
Remember, HTTPClients aren't just for APIs!
2 responses
web, automation, http, parsing
Master the mailto Syntax
Mike Ballan
0 responses
html, email, mailto syntax
Bootstrap caret down.
Jasson Cascante
1 response
css, bootstrap, caret