Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· davemora

Remembering HTML 1.0

HTML as in Hyper Text Markup Language is now part of the foundation of the future when it comes to web apps. But, here I will talk about the old legacy codes. For those of you old enough to remember GeoCities and this might bring back some lost memories. 

A simple web page is compose of HTML tags. The thing to remember is that every <tag> has a name for a purpose and every <tag> has an ending </tag>. 

Your page should start with a <html> tag and the last tag in it should be a </html>

The <head></head> tag is used to set the title of the page and style. At the time of html 1.0 that is basically all you used it for. But, now it is used for more things. 

The first thing you want to do is title your simple page. 

<title>Welcome my | Version 1.0</title>

Then you want use bigger size font to announce the topic. 

<h1>About Me</h1>

To produce a lesser font size or a sub header you can use the <h2></h2> tags.

To start a paragraph you will use <p></p> tags. 

Browsers do not identify traditional line brakes. So, in your paragraph you might have to use the <br></br> tags to create a line space. 

To add a link would use this format <a href="">Here is a link to</a>

You would put all your content such as Headlines, Sub Headlines, Paragraphs, and pictures between the <body></body> tags. 

Those are some basic html 1.0 commands. 

Here is how a simple page would like like. 

<title>Welcome to my silly HTML 1.0 page</title>
<p>This is my silly page. You can visit my other website at <a href=""></a>. </p>