Popular Vim Programming Tips
Open in vim all files returned by a grep search
Rafael Bika
0 responses
shell, grep, vim
VIM: Add "/" and "|" to text objects
Endel Dreyer
1 response
vim, text objects
Script to update vim pathogen and bundles
Jens Grassel
3 responses
shell, zsh, vim, git
Making arrow keys work in vim
David North
2 responses
vim, vi
Vim: Jump to gem source while using Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
0 responses
ruby, gem, vim, vagrant
(re) generating ctags to include bundled gems
Greg Osuri
1 response
ruby, bundler, vim, ctags
Prevent VIM write misfires
Joel Kirchartz
5 responses
vim, vimrc
Vim Mappings for a Ruby Style Guide
Dan Croak
0 responses
ruby, vim
Custom navigation commands in Rails.vim
Stephen Caudill
1 response
ruby, rails, vim
Open files on stdout in Vim
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell, vim, command line, unix
Vim pro textwidth settings
Rob Jens
0 responses
viml, text formatting, vim tricks
tmux and vim don't have to be ugly
João Bernardo
7 responses
terminal, vim, unix, setup
Remove all whitespace from a directory
David Kormushoff
4 responses
shell, vim, whitespace, timesaver
Open Vim: Learn Vim in Interactive Mode
Widy Graycloud
0 responses
vim, tuts
Learn shortcuts
Ignacio Soriano Cano
2 responses
xcode, sublime, vim, visual studio
CTags definition for Javascript
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
0 responses
vim, ctags, javascript
jshint in VIM
Mateusz Gachowski
1 response
vim, jshint, javascript, jslint
Reading Manpages with Vim
Aaron Peschel
1 response
vim, unix, man
Golang - All Known Implementations of An Interface In VIM
Ivan Sim
0 responses
vim, ivanhcsim, golang, go