tmux and vim don't have to be ugly
Every screenshot of a tmux + vim setup I see is ugly, but does it have to always like this ?
This is an ugly tmux + vim setup:
And this is a screenshot of my tmux + vim setup.
Which one do you prefer ?
For me, my setup is just gorgeous, but for some people the first one is just ok, and we have to respect that.
If you are interested in having a setup like mine checkout my code setup repo to find out more.
Written by João Bernardo
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7 Responses

Nice, I think the same as you.
Here is a sample of my current config
I see you moved your tmux bar at the top, I may try that later.

Looks nice ;)
Specially the window labels look nice in the middle.
Yeah I really like having the labels in the center. Any chance you can share your tmux conf for this?

Of course, sorry I just saw your comment, take a look at this file in my dotfiles

Wow ! That looks sexy as hell !
Can you send us a link @shawncplus with .tmux.conf ? You can use the installer and only choose to install the tmux config