Popular R Uby Programming Tips
ruby library for interacting with Stackoverflow API.
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ruby, gem, rashmi14yadav, stackoverflow
Idempotent alias_method_chain
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ruby, rails, active_support
HEAD response in padrino
Rahmat Budiharso
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ruby, rack, sinatra, padrino
Does your shell output haz rainbows?
Ryan Sobol
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ruby, shell, gem
what ruby flog score means
Revath S Kumar(RSK)
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ruby, flog
Installing Ruby Enterprise Edition on OS X 10.9 Mavericks with RVM
Javier Cuevas
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Faker ‒ Ruby gem for populating a testing database
Honza Hejzl
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ruby, rails, gems, sinatra
ActiveRecord search within a concatenation of to fields using an incomplete query
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Code notes using Rake, Zsh
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Rails - Reload object
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails
The proper way to setup an RVM gemset
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, rvm
Faster test suite boot times with Ruby on Rails
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Humanized Attributes
Pedro Tavares
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ruby, rails
Enum Based state machine in Ruby
Elad Meidar
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ruby, enum, state machine
More informative error page in Rails
Cristóbal Castillo
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ruby, rails, errors, gemfile
Manage a daemonized gem server with God
Stephen Benner
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ruby, daemon, gem, unix
Making zsh compatible with rake
Dan Jesus
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zsh, octopress, rake
Informal Proof of an Insolvable Problem (with code!)
Jared Davis
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ruby, logic, go
Uploading Files to S3 in Ruby with Paperclip
Harlow Ward
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ruby, paperclip, image uploads
Running ruby scripts in the background with Screen
Josh Teng
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ruby, background
How to Install Xcode, Homebrew, Git, RVM, & Ruby 1.9.3 on Snow Leopard & Lion
Vitor Balocco
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Rails configuration yaml files served via chef
Marvin Marcelo
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