Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Sequential Strings
Steven Nunez
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ruby, enumerable
You can do full-text search on Heroku FOR FREE by working around bogons in PgSearch's pg_search_scopes.
Dave Aronson
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ruby, rails, heroku, search
Ruby 1.8 -> 1.9 hash syntax regex
Luke van der Hoeven
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Ninsho for omniauth
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ruby, rails, omniauth, authentication
Rails - filter using join model on has_many through
James Brooks
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ruby, rails, active record, merge
Ruby-serialport on Fedora requires a baud change
David H. Wilkins
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ruby, arduino, serialport, ruby-serialport
Convert latin1 to UTF-8 in SQLite using Ruby
Sam Davies
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ruby, sqlite, utf-8
Use lambdas with case/when and ampex
Hannes Georg
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ruby, higher order, more awesomeness
Test your Ruby code with Pry
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, test
The PGconn, PGresult, and PGError constants are deprecated on Heroku and Rails
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pg, gem, rails, ruby
RbConfig is nice
josh bowles
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Get time in given Time Zone
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, rails
Dineromail checkout
Josemar Luedke
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ruby, rails
Displaying rails routes from console
Agung Prasetyo
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ruby, rails, routes, sextant
Render multiple tags in a helper
Gabriel Dehan
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ruby, rails, html, rendering
Manipulating the database with ActiveRecord
Tomas Varneckas
0 responses
ruby, activerecord, schema
Beware Ruby Numeric functions inside Enumerable.inject
Ashley Raiteri
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ruby, csv, enumerable, sum
Export all named routes from Ruby on Rails to Javascript (Rails 4 only)
Anton Ageev
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javascript, ruby, rails, routes
Rails/Rake Database Rebuild Timesaver
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ruby, rails, database, rake
Comparing version strings in Ruby
Michel Billard
0 responses
ruby, string, version, comparison
Idempotent alias_method_chain
0 responses
ruby, rails, active_support
Procfile for development/production
Tymon Tobolski
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ruby, rails, foreman