Popular R Uby Programming Tips
DateTime iso8601
Rex Chung
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Ruby Tempfile without Postfix
Benoit Molenda
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Backtrace on demand
Tom Lea
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An introduction to Shoes
Tobias Pfeiffer
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Getting Sunspot Solr group searches to work with Active Model Serializers
Mark Hazlett
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Better Specs { rspec guidelines with ruby }
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Installing Ruby 2.0.0 on Mac OS 10.8.2 with MacPorts
Maxim Smirnov
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Hash value inheritance
Stevenson Jean-Pierre
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Ruby: How to Increase Long Integers Readability?
Sebastian Muszyński
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How to transpose Ruby Hash keys from strings to symbols
Arnaud Meuret
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How to drop all database connections to a PostgreSQL database
Gergo Sulymosi
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If you're ever in the need to find the right Ruby HTTP client
Björn Rochel
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A few words about Array.wrap and Kernel#Array
Dmitry Vorotilin
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Meet ruby-local-exec
Adam Stankiewicz
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Check your GitHub Commit Density
Kazi Manzur Rashid
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Mocking ActiveRecord To Test Concerns.
Jordon Bedwell
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Continuously process work with EM::Queue
Alex Sharp
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Sidekiq worker utilization
Benjamin Curtis
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Later - A lean Redis-backed event scheduling library for Ruby
Erol Fornoles
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GEO Distance between points
Oto Brglez
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Rails before_render filter
Nathan Hopkins
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Keep Bootstrap Updated
Marc Qualie
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Setting up PostgreSQL for Ruby on Rails on Linux
Tobias Pfeiffer
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How Rails autoloading works
Dmitry Vorotilin
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