Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Rails configuration yaml files served via chef
Marvin Marcelo
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Understand Ruby Visibility
Brandon Hansen
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ruby, visibility
Use .rvmrc for your Ruby project directories
Jake Mitchell
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Take care when using Kernel#Array()
Adam Meehan
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ruby, array, time, kernel
Otimizando compressão de imagens no rails
Stefano Diem Benatti
0 responses
ruby, rails, asset pipeline, image compression
Nokogiri gem on FreeBSD, libiconv missing error
Jens Grassel
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ruby, freebsd
If you're ever in the need to find the right Ruby HTTP client
Björn Rochel
2 responses
ruby, http, client
Using guard and lame to convert wav to mp3.
Alexander Chaychuk
0 responses
ruby, guard, lame, wav
Share your localhost with the world...
Jason Rogers
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50 Web Developer Documentation Manuals You Need To Know About
Jason Davis
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Quickly get files to refactor
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
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Sidekiq + Newrelic Exception Notifier
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JS/PHP/RUBY Elegant switch for logical cases
Marcelo Waisman
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ruby, php, javascript
Using UUIDs with Redis Ohm
Arnaud Meuret
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ruby, redis, uuid, ohm
Create Gist from files in command line
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, github, rails, gist
OpenStruct Pull Request [WIP]
Kurtis Rainbolt-Greene
0 responses
ruby, openstruct
Nested Routing w/ a parameterized scope
Tony Schneider
0 responses
ruby, rails, routing, scopes
Routing resources with and without member blocks
Ben Burton
1 response
ruby, rails, routes
How to create a payment gateway for offsite_payments? (active_merchant)
0 responses
ruby, rails, offsite_payments, active_merchant
Ruby Value Struct Example: Point
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ruby, value, struct
Redmine in Heroku
Francisco Granados
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ruby, rails, heroku, redmine
BitNami ImageMagick w/ rmagick 2.13.2
Mike Pack
0 responses
ruby, imagemagick, rmagick, ubuntu
Rails Integration testing with Sorcery and Capybara
0 responses
ruby, rails, testing
Speedup rvm ruby on mac
Marcel Medak
1 response
ruby, mac, performance, rvm