Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· hopsoft

The proper way to setup an RVM gemset

Documentation is important, but we sometimes treat it as an afterthought.

Make your life a little easier for any Ruby project you work on by installing YARD first. Here's an example:

cd /path/to/project
rvm gemset create foo
rvm gemset use foo
gem install yard
gem install bundler

Now all gems will have YARD docs generated as you install them.

Simply run yard server -g and visit http://localhost:8808 to view docs for all of the project's gems.

Of course, you can accomplish the same thing by running yard gems at any time, but I think starting with an emphasis on docs helps keep you a little more honest with your own documentation efforts. Plus you won't have to wait for docs to generate on all gems at once.

It would be cool if RVM implicitly installed yard and bundler for you... or at least made it optional