Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Specify a Ruby Version on Heroku
Curtis Miller
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ruby, heroku
rake tasks autocomplete
Vishnu Atrai
2 responses
ruby, shell, rake
Beta Invite systems for Rails
Kaushik Thirthappa
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ruby, rails, gems, devise
Empty strings and ternary operators
Stéphane Maniaci
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ruby, rails, ror, string
Automatically Create Icons for iOS Apps
4 responses
ruby, rake, ios
Getting binary representations in Ruby
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ruby, string, binary
A separate dev-database per git branch
Ahad Shafiq
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ruby, rails, databases, git
Comb Sort
Robson Mendonça
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ruby, wikipedia, comb sort
Calculating truth table possibilities for testing in Ruby
0 responses
ruby, testing, rspec
Find similar functions between different programing languages
Mariz Melo
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ruby, php, python, perl
Add history to the ruby irb console
Pedro Carriço
2 responses
ruby, rails, irb
How to accept one or more arguments
Michel Billard
1 response
ruby, array, arguments
Brevidy, the open source video social network
Rob Phillips
1 response
jquery, ruby, haml, web
Rails UploadedFile testing
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ruby, rails, testing
.rvmrc file that creates gemset if non-existant
David Morrow
2 responses
ruby, shell, rvm, gemset
Looking at Ruby internals
Michael Kohl
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ruby, compiler
serve static html (e.g. prototype) with rack
Alexis Reigel
4 responses
ruby, html, rack, prototype
Ignore Encoding Issues when reading files in Ruby 1.9
Matthias Lüdtke
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ruby, unicode, i18n
Faster FTP get in Ruby
Pablo Torrecilla
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ruby, ftp
Rails 3 and Rspec 2: Smooth and super fast
Eduardo Martines
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ruby, rails, guard, devise
Time traveling in cucumber
Sean Todd
1 response
ruby, test, cucumber
My workspace
Marcin Naglik
0 responses
ruby, hackerdesk, rails, workspace
Upgrade your Ruby hashes to 1.9 with Sublime
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
ruby, rails, sublime