Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Uninstall local gems one liner
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ruby, rails, gem
How to setup the SeeingIsBelieving Plugin for Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 13.04
Dwayne Crooks
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ruby, sublime text 2, ubuntu 13.04, seeing is believing
Use of arguments in rake tasks
Javier Guerra
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ruby, rake
Change transition between UIViewControllers
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Mapping custom data to ActiveRecord objects
Tomasz Borowski
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ruby, activerecord, rails, gem
Accessing MongoDB w/ Ruby
Tobias Trelle
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Minsky's Circle Algorithm in Shoes.rb / Hackety Hack
Matt Gauger
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ruby, shoes, circle, hacketyhack
Access data from a hash via dot notation.
Rob Guilfoyle
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ruby, hash, data
View source in irb
Steven Nunez
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ruby, rails
No more bundle exec with any shell
Hannes Georg
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ruby, bundler, shell, gems
Query + Proxy Objects for Sweet Data Access
Ben Simpson
1 response
ruby, activerecord, patterns, relational
Chef-solo integration with RVM.
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ruby, rvm, chef
Run frank-cucumber specs for iOS automatically
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ruby, ios, gem, guard
ProMotion Library for RubyMotion
Matt Brewer
1 response
ruby, rubymotion
Trigger events in your integration specs with Selenium
Lee Machin
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Use SCrypt with Devise user passwords
Chris McLeod
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ruby, devise, scrypt
Path (Linux), LOAD_PATH (Ruby) and autoload_paths (Rails).
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linux, ruby, rails, paths
Mock I18n for Rspec
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, i18n, mock
Simple Enum in Ruby
Elad Meidar
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ruby, enum, design-patterns
Improved Sinatra Bootstrap
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, git, sinatra, organization
Building/Updating your resume, easier than you might think
Nicholas Jordon
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ruby, php, css, resume
Fix unwanted indentation in Haml
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, haml, indentation, preserve
Schedule a specific time Delayed_Job through "delay" method
Ace Dimasuhid
0 responses
ruby, rails, delayed_job
Using BubbleWrap.require
James Harton
0 responses
ruby, ios, bubblewrap, rubymotion