Popular R Uby Programming Tips
.rvmrc file that creates gemset if non-existant
David Morrow
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Ruby 1.9.X RVM w/iconv FreeBSD installation HOWTO
Pavel Argentov
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describe api rspec method for sinatra or grape.
Alexandr Korsak
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Upgrade your Ruby hashes to 1.9 with Sublime
Marko Klemetti
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MultiPart POST with Image Upload Script
Rajeev N Bharshetty
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Configuring DataMapper with a YAML file
Leandro Guida
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Testing ordering with each_cons
Ben Burton
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Related articles using Jaccard index
Oto Brglez
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return from block
Hannes Georg
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A real server to mock servers!
Roger Leite
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Different types of methods in ruby
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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Symbolized Hash With Indifferent Access
Tamer Shlash
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Ruby Regexp: \A, \z, ^ and $
Jake Bellacera
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alias beer="bundle exec rake"
Steven Normore
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How to reduce iOS development time
Gavin Morrice
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Markdown Preview using ruby and sinatra simple script
Emad Elsaid
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Scoping in evaluate_script for Capybara
Dinesh Vasudevan
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toto with jruby
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Better Rails Errors in Nitrous.io
Sıtkı Bağdat
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Add Bootstrap Alerts to Rails Application
Billy Yarosh
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Create .rvmrc in all directories in your 'projects' dir
Łukasz Korecki
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Beautify your *.html.erb file in Rails project
Agung Prasetyo
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How to Fix the OpenSSL Certificate Verify Error in Ruby using RVM
Peter Boling
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PushState "Magic Rule" in RoR
Emmanuel Bourgerie
1 response
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