Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Create .rvmrc in all directories in your 'projects' dir
Łukasz Korecki
1 response
shell, zsh, rvm, ruby
PushState "Magic Rule" in RoR
Emmanuel Bourgerie
1 response
ruby, rails, backbone, routing
Previewing a long Post or Article in Rails
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ruby, rails, strings
How to count failure resque jobs from shell.
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ruby, shell, redis
RSpec Turnip Formatter
1 response
ruby, turnip, rspec
Simple CLI json query tool
Sёmka Novikov
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ruby, rest, json
Getting Started With Google Charts
Paul Gray
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ruby, graphs, charts
Retina image optimization in Ruby on Rails
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ruby, rails, retina, retina.js
Mac? Rails 1.9.3? segfault in sqlite 1.3.6? Here's a weird answer...
Oliver Tupman
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ruby, rails, sqlite, gems
Delete all your S3 buckets with ease
Dave Newman
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ruby, snappycode, s3
Application deploy on git push
James Brooks
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ruby, rails, push, capistrano
Install rmagick 2.13.1 on OSX
Nathan Hopkins
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ruby, rmagick
Use lambdas for RSpec subjects
Eric Holmes
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ruby, tdd, testing, rspec
'yes' and 'no' in YAML
Павел Калашников
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ruby, yaml, no, yes
irb hacks
Jason King
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ruby, shell, irb
OmniAuth + Google Apps authentication
Matt Aimonetti
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ruby, omniauth, authentication, google apps
Ruby - Formatting the date
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails
LinkedIn/Facebook loading issue using jQuery Mobile
Ryan L'Italien
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ruby, facebook, jquery mobile, redirect
Easy MD5/SHA1 Hashes in RubyMotion
Tom Milewski
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ruby, hash, ios, digest
Configure Vagrant provisioning visually
Boris Staal
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ruby, vagrant
Get eigenclass in Ruby
Tomohiro Nishimura
0 responses
ruby, metaprogramming
Avoid rdoc and ri in gem installations or update
Dan Jesus
2 responses
ruby, gem, ri, rdoc
Git Tagging Deployments
0 responses
ruby, capistrano, deploy, deployment
Occasionally removed all Brew links?
Denis Savitskiy
2 responses
ruby, shell, osx, brew