Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· Sıtkı Bağdat

Better Rails Errors in

I am using for a while and liked it very much! When I am developing with Ruby/Rails, I use better_errors gem.

If you are working local and using localhost, there is no problem - better_errors working well. But if you develop on a virtual machine or cloud, You should make a small change in config/environments/development.rb file.

Add this line to the file

BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! '<YOUR_ENV_IP>'

Tip: You can find YOURENVIP, by pressing Toggle env dump link.


Restart the server and voila !


2 Responses
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BetterErrors::Middleware.allow_ip! ''

Restart the server and nothing. Is there anything I'm missing?
I picked the IP from REMOTEADDR & REMOTEHOST, which were the same.

over 1 year ago ·

I did the same thing and got the same result as fwuensche

over 1 year ago ·