Newest G It Programming Tips download no invitation needed
Jichao Ouyang
0 responses
atom,, github
Scriptlet to toggle GitHub Pull Request comments
Said A
0 responses
github, git, scriptlet
Setting up and using git send-email with gmail.
David Tran
0 responses
setup, git, send-email
Download your latest 30 Github Gists to local directory
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, github
List Jira ticket ids from Git log
Roman Stets
0 responses
shell, git, git log, jira
Renaming and changing files in git without losing history
Felix Kaser
1 response
stash, git, renaming, big change
Delete merged git flow branches
0 responses
alias, git flow, git
Make a Template to Speed up Project Creation and Workflow
Phong Huynh
0 responses
git, workflow, project, template
Add a git submodule using Rugged
Dan Allen
0 responses
git, rugged, libgit2
Commit a new file to git using Rugged
Dan Allen
1 response
git, rugged, libgit2
Git-repo-based Shell History
Parviz Palangpour
0 responses
bash, git, history
Markdown Preview using ruby and sinatra simple script
Emad Elsaid
1 response
ruby, rails, github
Pushing to a git repository from Mercurial
ADIO Kingsley O
0 responses
git, mercurial, adiksonline, version control migration
Fix git-svn on OS X Mavericks
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
perl, osx, apple, git-svn
Github-Coderwall Badges Fix
charalampos papaloizou
0 responses
python, coderwall, badges, selenium
Modman / Git / Capistrano
Rodrigo Garcia
0 responses
magento, capistrano, git, modman
Create Gist from files in command line
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, github, rails, gist
Ubuntu adding git prompt
David Thompson
0 responses
git, ubuntu
Switching to GitHub Pages for Hosting Your Personal Site/Blog
Lee Munroe
0 responses
hosting, github
Count the number of lines of code contained in one or more repositories hosted on GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
Giovanni Capuano
0 responses
ruby, gem, lines of code, loc