Newest G It Programming Tips
Deleting a git submodule
Amar Sanakal
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git, git submodule
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
7 Most Common Git Mistakes
0 responses
php, programming, wordpress, laravel
Bash function to restore a deleted file in a Git repository
Rick Pearson
0 responses
bash, git, undelete, restore
save typescripts as Github gists
0 responses
bash, github, gist
list all user added by git-crypt to a repository
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
git, git-crypt, gpg, users
Create the GIT history of one specific file
Philipp Haußleiter
0 responses
git, history, tooling, cli
Implement Social Login Button for Any OAuth Provider Using Vue.js
0 responses
oauth, oauth2, javascript, vue
Reverse pull request (GitHub, GitHub Enterprise)
Ryan Parman
0 responses
git, github, pr, pull
Updating the HTML of your GitHub Pages site with very little effort
Ryan Parman
0 responses
git, github, pages, jekyll
HTML (with microformats, microdata) → Markdown (GitHub-Flavored Markdown, Commonmark)
Ryan Parman
0 responses
pandoc, markdown, commonmark, gfm
Github: Open a file on from command-line
Ashish Bhatia
0 responses
github, command-line
Fastest way to search through files using git + fzy
0 responses
vim, fuzzy, fzy, git
Git Logを使ってワークレポートを作成する方法
0 responses
git, activity report
If git clone repository-url . want work because directory isn´t empty
Ilic Davor
0 responses
git, clone, tmp, repository
Github Password not working in terminal after enabling 2 factor authentication
charles Loges
0 responses
github, terminal, git