Popular Programming Tips
Keeping your github forks in sync
1 response
openstack, bash, github
Assigning an AWS IAM user access to a single S3 bucket
Kenny Johnston
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s3, systems, aws, backups
A Custom Rails FormBuilder for Twitter Bootstrap 3
Gavin Morrice
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rails, forms, twitter bootstrap, rails 4
Hosted ElasticSearch
Felipe Lavín Z.
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search, nosql, elasticsearch, paas
CORS directive for Spray
Jose Raya
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scala, cors, spray
Update GnuPG archive keys of the Debian archive
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debian, gpg, packages, key
Unlock the 2012 Node Knockout achievements
Matthew Deiters
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coderwall, nodejs
Cross-browser Page Visibility API polyfill
Juan M. Hidalgo
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Simple gulp starter
Ezekiel Kigbo
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frontend, tasks, javascript, gruntjs
Precise timing in JavaScript with microtimer and nanotime
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nodejs, javascript, timer, ms
Better documentation for PHP, Python, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, and DOM
Mariz Melo
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php, python, css, html
Quickly allow Compass's liquid blueprint to use nested grids
Jon Thomas
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css, compass, grids, sass
Insert a new piece of code contain angularJS directive at runtime
Deshayes Yann
1 response
tips, javascript, insert, angularjs
Remote visual debugging with RubyMine 4.5 / 5
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ruby, rails, debug, rubymine
My Workspace
Martin Rehfeld
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Rails i18n yes/no translation
1 response
i18n, translation, yaml
Installing PHPUnit on Windows
Vince Verberckt
2 responses
php, windows, phpunit
Comment lines in Vim
Sandro Meier
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vim, comment, uncomment
cross domain iframe communication
Fay Pickering
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html5, javascript
Disable/Enable Days of the Week in jQuery UI Datepicker
Albert Pak
0 responses
jquery, jquery datepicker
Android photo chooser with crop
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
Painlessly upload files for users with Filestack
Connor Leech
1 response
nodejs, node, file, images
LiveCode Node.JS Apps
Ethan Winn
0 responses
nodejs, emacs, javascript