Popular Programming Tips
Resize images on client-side before sending it to your server
Endel Dreyer
2 responses
canvas, html5, upload, fileapi
automate SSH configs with python
Emre Yılmaz
3 responses
python, ssh
iPhone 5 specific design asset suffix
Jeffrey Jackson
1 response
ios, xcode, ipad, iphone
Reading YAML files in bash with ruby
Tom, Bom
0 responses
ruby, bash
Responsive threaded comments
Eric Daams
1 response
css, responsive design, comments, threaded comments
Dealing with Backbone Views with dependency injection
Sterling Cobb
3 responses
design patterns, backbone.js, coffeescript
UIWebview Debugging
Andreas Grauel
1 response
css, html, javascript, objective-c
Symfony2.1: Adding (and/or Removing) fields using Event Subscribers
Andréia Bohner
0 responses
php, event, form, symfony2
The awful state of Javascript documentation tools
Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong
5 responses
jsdoc, doctrine, javascript, dox
Nginx, Unicorn and multiple Rails apps
0 responses
rails, nginx, unicorn, multiple apps
Function-level cache in JavaScript
Maciej Smoliński
5 responses
cache, function, javascript, anonymous
iOS Image Resolutions
Christopher Hannah
2 responses
ipad, iphone, ios
Simple Javascript List Search
0 responses
jquery, search, rashmi14yadav, javascript
Connect to MongoDB in Vagrant with MongoHub
Sajnikanth Suriyanarayanan
1 response
mongodb, vagrant, mongohub
Export embedded images from an Illustrator file
Nate Steiner
0 responses
image, illustrator, export
Get current time in Rails app
Sergey Nartimov
3 responses
ruby, rails
How to create a complex function in Stylus
Gavin McFarland
4 responses
css, pre-processor, stylus
Libv8 install fails with libtool unrecognized option `-static` error
Adan Alvarado
0 responses
ruby, rails, osx, gem
Laravel Eloquent Dynamic Relationship
Azri Jamil
0 responses
laravel, dynamic, relation, model
Versioning your Sublime Text configuration
Filipe Kiss
5 responses
sublime, versioning
Natural Sorting in MySQL
Filipe Kiss
1 response
mysql, natural sorting
Generating Random Numbers and Strings in C#
Ion D. Filho
2 responses
csharp, .net, c#, random number
Setting up a VNC Server in Fedora 20
0 responses
fedora, vnc
Convert will_paginate output to Bootstrap markup
David Morrow
2 responses
jquery, ruby, rails, pagination