Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· divinite

Ruby on a jailbroken iOS

Have you always wanted to program in ruby on the go, without service charges connecting to your server, or bringing a large laptop?

Well, here's your solution (if you happen to have an iDevice)!

1- Jailbreak (if you haven't done this already). There are plenty of guides on the internet, so just use Google.
2- Open Cydia, the package manager.
3- Add a Source. Add
4- Install ruby from the iNinjas Source. You MUST get it from here.
5- Install MobileTerminal from the iNinjas Source. Again, you MUST get it from here.
6- Close Cydia, open MobileTerminal, and type "irb". You should be presented with a interactive ruby prompt.

Now you can code to your heart's content on your iDevice.
