iOS Image Resolutions
Seeing as there is a few resolutions available to iOS now, I thought I'd compile a list of the graphic sizes you need for an app. I've also included filenames for the ones I can find.
iPhone 3.5"
Icon - 57px "Icon.png"
Settings/Spotlight - 29px "Icon-Small.png"
Document Icon - 22px x 29px
Toolbar/Nav Bar - 20px approx
Tab bar icon - 30px approx
Launch Image - 320px x 480px "Default.png"
iPhone 3.5" Retina
Icon - 114px "Icon@2x.png"
Settings - 58px "Icon-Small@2x.png"
Spotlight - 58px
Document Icon - 44px x 58px
Toolbar/Nav Bar - 40px approx
Tab bar icon - 60px approx
Launch Image - 640 x 960 "Default@2x.png"
iPhone 4" Retina
Icon - 114px "Icon@2x.png"
Settings - 58px "Icon-Small@2x.png"
Spotlight - 58px
Document Icon - 44px x 58px
Toolbar/Nav Bar - 40px approx
Tab bar icon - 60px approx
Launch Image - 640 x 1136 "Default-568h@2x.png"
Icon - 72px "Icon~ipad.png"
Settings - 29px
Spotlight - 50px
Small Document Icon - 64px
Large Document Icon - 320px
Toolbar/Nav Bar - 20px approx
Tab bar icon - 30px approx
Launch Image Landscape - 1024px x 748px "Default-Landscape.png"
Launch Image Portrait - 768px x 1004px "Default-Portrait.png"
iPad Retina
Icon - 144px "Icon@2x~ipad.png"
Settings - 58px
Spotlight - 100px
Small Document Icon - 128px
Large Document Icon - 640px
Toolbar/Nav Bar - 40px approx
Tab bar icon - 60px approx
Launch Image Landscape - 2048px x 1496px "iPad-Retina–Landscape.png"
Launch Image Portrait - 1536px x 2008px "iPad-Retina–Portrait.png"
App Icon - 1024px
Written by Christopher Hannah
Related protips
2 Responses
Please update the post with new ios7 icon changes.

Will do!