Last Updated: September 09, 2019
· ganesshkumar

Git: Shallow Cloning

I was trying to clone a fat git repository to my machine. It failed with the following message

error: index-pack died of signal 9921)
fatal: index-pack failed

Cloning a huge repository might fail quiet frequently. The solution to this is shallow cloning (cloning the repository in parts)

1.Clone the latest commit first and then the rest. We have to specify the depth as a parameter to clone.

git clone [repo_url] --depth 1

2.Clone the rest of the repository

git fetch --depth=100000 or
git fetch --unshallow (equivalent of git fetch -–depth=2147483647)

Note: If you just have a shallow clone and remote revoke the latest commit(s), you are lost. So try to unshallow it as soon as possible