Vagrant tips
This is the list of Vagrant configuration options and plugins which I found very useful. Also downstairs are the lists of tools, services and other interesting things :)
Config options
Provide default box url
config.vm.box_url = ""
This is used if the box doesn't already exist. When vagrant up
is called and the box is not found, this option is used to download the box.
Use NFS for syncing folders
config.vm.synced_folder "~/Dropbox", "/Dropbox", :nfs => true
It's much faster. Read for more info.
Note Some people have reported problems with permissions. This may be due to duplicated records in /etc/exports
(when you are using the same IP address across all of your boxes). So, please, give each of your boxes an unique IP address.
Forward your SSH keys into Vagrant box
config.ssh.forward_agent = true
I use this to deploy my apps from inside the box. Very useful!
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
This plugin will automatically install (or just check that versions are the same) the host's VirtualBox Guest Additions on the guest system.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
Berkshelf integration. Vagrant will automatically run it before any provisioning step.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-librarian-chef
Librarian-Chef integration. Vagrant will automatically run it before any provisioning step.
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
Installs latest Chef-solo. (Thanks to @tralamazza)
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
A Vagrant plugin that helps you reduce the amount of coffee you drink while waiting for boxes to be provisioned by sharing a common package cache among similiar VM instances. (Thanks to @juliendubreuil)
A tool for easily (and repeatedly) building custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and virtual machine images. (Thanks to @av-ast)
Services is a service that allows you to pregenerate typical Vagrant builds (Chef).
A simple GUI to set up virtual machines for PHP Web development (Puppet).
Boxes lists
- General list
- Opscode boxes
- Boxes with Puppet
Feel free to leave a comment if you have something to add.
Written by Anton Kalyaev
Related protips
10 Responses

A list of of ready-to-use Vagrant boxes
A tool for easily (and repeatedly) building custom Vagrant base boxes, KVMs, and virtual machine images.

If you have a box on a remote server and it gets stuck at boot time, you can run it with the RDP-server.
First, you need install Oracle Extension Pack
# VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-4.2.16-86992.vbox-extpack
Next step, is to get VirtualBox name for vagrant box:
# VBoxManage list vms
"vagrant_1373795168" {e76864cc-ee28-46f3-86a6-7b684b299f3a}
Finally, start your box directly from VirtualBox
# VBoxHeadless --startvm "vagrant_1373795168" -v on --vrdeproperty "TCP/Address"= --vrdeproperty "TCP/Ports"=3389 --vrdeproperty "VNCPassword"=somepass
Now you can connect to the box using RDP client ( for MacOS for example).

@av-ast Thanks! I've updated the protip.

@numbata You could extract it to a separate protip, I think) But thanks for mentioned it here.

Installs latest chef-solo
vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
EC2 Provider
vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws

@akalyaev you should checkout for some awesome vagrant / chef solo integration.
Another interesting plugin is vagrant-cachier It will help you reduce the waiting time for boxes to be provisioned by downloading sources from repositories.

Host updater (/etc/hosts)

Easily execute commands in VM -