Popular Vagrant Programming Tips
Use NFS to speed up your Vagrant
Anton Kalyaev
19 responses
performance, virtualbox, vagrant
Connect to MySQL in Vagrant with Sequel Pro
James D
15 responses
mysql, vagrant, sequel pro
Vagrantfile. Set memory and CPU
Andrew [8xx8] Kulakov
7 responses
memory, virtual machine, vagrant, cpu
Resolve a hostonlyif create error with vagrant
Thibault Milan
18 responses
virtualbox, vagrant
Run graphical programs within Vagrantboxes
Martin Naumann
3 responses
vagrant, x11, martin-n
Fixing NFS exports in Mac OS X
Daniel Gomes
0 responses
danielcsgomes, vagrant, mac os x, nfs
Configure the Vagrant login user during provisioning using the Shell provider.
Mike Hall
5 responses
ruby, shell, vagrant
Create a symlink in Puppet
Luc Bézier
0 responses
vagrant, puppet, symlink
Vagrant, auto-update VirtualBox Guest Additions
Bas van den Wijngaard
0 responses
virtualbox, vagrant
Vagrant box - PHP 5 with apache, mysql and phpmyadmin
2 responses
php, mysql, apache, vagrant
Get vagrant box guest IP from host
Ronan Guilloux
0 responses
vagrant, ip
Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ubuntu = no internet access?
Ignas Butėnas
10 responses
virtualbox, network, vagrant, linux
A quick hack to set the timezone for a Vagrant VM in Ubuntu
Gavin M. Roy
1 response
vagrant, timezone
Vagrant: Apache/nginx serving outdated static files? Turn off sendfile()!
Pierre Groth
4 responses
apache, nginx, vagrant, sendfile
Vagrant shared folder permissions with VirtualBox
Steffan Harries
1 response
permissions, virtualbox, vagrant, folder
How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
3 responses
nginx, vagrant, chef, passenger
Vagrant tips
Anton Kalyaev
10 responses
tools, tips, vagrant, chef
Launch upstart services after Vagrant mount
5 responses
vagrant, ubuntu, upstart
Add a second disk to system using vagrant
Leif Gensert
0 responses
ruby, vagrant
My Best / Essential Git Aliases. What are your's?
Markus Perl
9 responses
git alias, vagrant, git, bash
Install Oracle on CentOS 6.4 with Vagrant and Ansible
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
oracle, vagrant, centos, ansible
Test your cookbooks with Chef 11 and Vagrant
Sean Kilgore
1 response
testing, vagrant, chef, opscode
Setting up a brand new Postgres powered Ruby & Rails Development Environment with Vagrant
Rory Koehler
5 responses
rails, postgres, vagrant, virtual box
Use Ansible vault with Vagrant
Ramon de la Fuente
1 response
vagrant, provisioning, ansible, ansible-vault
Share your chef's knife.rb config with vagrant
Thomas Massmann
2 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Recent Activity
Use public dhcp network in Vagrant
Vedanta Barooah
vagrant, dhcp, network, public ip
Vagrant + puPHPet provision shell scripts execution order
Andrea Collet
vagrant, puphpet, shell
start rails server vagrant
rails, rails server, server, host
Get vagrant box guest IP from host
Ronan Guilloux
vagrant, ip
Virtual develop environment with xhyve
Huy Tran
virtual machine, vagrant, devops, docker
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