Popular Chef Programming Tips
Organise your site-cookbooks with Berkshelf and this trick
Vasily Mikhaylichenko
4 responses
dependencies, chef, berkshelf, chef solo
How to delete persistent node attributes in Chef
James Cuzella
2 responses
attributes, node, chef, default
How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
3 responses
nginx, vagrant, chef, passenger
Vagrant tips
Anton Kalyaev
10 responses
tools, tips, vagrant, chef
Test your cookbooks with Chef 11 and Vagrant
Sean Kilgore
1 response
testing, vagrant, chef, opscode
Share your chef's knife.rb config with vagrant
Thomas Massmann
2 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Set up your own Rails server in minutes with these recipes
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, unicorn
Using Chef's remote_file with GitHub raw content
Mike Fiedler
1 response
ruby, chef, remote_file, github
Generate SSH deploy keys with Chef and sshkey gem.
Eric G. Wolfe
1 response
ssh, chef, sshkey, deploy_key
Auto tuning internet servers by Genetic Algorithm
Yoshihiro TAKAHARA
2 responses
chef, ga, tuning, gargor
Chef: Avoid execute, ruby_block, ...
Hannes Georg
6 responses
chef, best practice
Ohai plugin to use eth1 on vagrant boxes
Tom Howe
2 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef, ohai
Remove vagrant nodes from chef server on destroy
Thomas Massmann
3 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Use the Opscode cookbook to install PostgreSQL 9.2 from pgdg on Debian
Vasily Mikhaylichenko
0 responses
chef, debian, cookbook, opscode
0 responses
ruby, chef, librarian-chef
Manage chef cookbooks with git submodules
2 responses
ruby, server, chef, opscode
Provision a StatsD server on EC2 using Vagrant and Chef
Amos Lanka
2 responses
graphite, stats, vagrant, chef
Chef bootstrapping a debian 7 wheezy system
Jinn Koriech
1 response
bootstrap, chef, debian, opscode
Php 5.4 chef recipe for ubuntu
0 responses
php, chef, php54
Boris Quiroz
2 responses
ruby, bootstrap, chef, ubuntu
Chef 11 - NoMethodError: undefined method ?
Pierre Ozoux
0 responses
chef, cookbook
Chef debug
Pierre Ozoux
1 response
vagrant, chef, devops
Installing Chef Server and Client on Debian
Christian Schramm
0 responses
server, chef, knife, debian
Prepare VM installed multiple versions of ruby by Vagrant and chef
0 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Recent Activity
Automagic securing with HTTPS Connection
security, https, chef, webserver
Keeping Time in a Modern Tech Stack
Eddie Hurtig
devops, distributed systems, ntp, chef
Workaround chef_gem
Allan Espinosa
ruby, chef
Overriding AWS opsworks templates ...with Berksfile
Robert R Arnold
chef, aws, opsworks
Copy a file's sha256 checksum to clipboard
James Cuzella
osx, checksum, chef, sha256
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