Trending Programming Tips
Mobile Development Tools
1 response
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Github Atom Invites!
Rick Hanlon II
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beta, atom, invites, github
Remove extra space below images
Brenna O'Brien
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css, html, layout, images
Check for PHP syntax errors before Git commit
Baki Goxhaj
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php, terminal, git, bash
Subclassing JavaScript's Array class
Sam Slotsky
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array, coffeescript, javascript, inheritance
Find and format difference between two strings in PHP
Grant Pierce
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php, diff, strings
CSS transition with auto width or height
Robson Sobral
1 response
css, transition
Grabbing Your Local IP (Fish Shell)
Daniel Stocks
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shell, fish, osx, ip
A quick and simple webserver in Mac OS X
Martijn van Maasakkers
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mac os x, webserver
Learn advanced programming topics by annotated examples in Python
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python, generators, functional programming, mapreduce
Download Atom w/o invite
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CSS3 filter and issues on retina displays
Lucia Moreno
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mobile, css3, bug, webkit
vim: yank lines by marking section
Ryan Regalado
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vim, mark, lines, yank
create a regular expression testing playground using ruby and sinatra
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, regex, regular expression
Bootstrap Carousels
Carol Skelly
1 response
css, bootstrap, front-end, carousel
Silex Custom Constraint with DI
Joeri Timmermans
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dependency injection, silex, orm, constraints
A Thanks for following me twitter bot using ruby
Emad Elsaid
2 responses
ruby, rails, twitter, bot
Enabling Git shell completions in OSX
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
osx, git, bash
Simple multilanguage with jQuery
Davide Gessa
0 responses
jquery, language, internationalization, javascript
Change Directory to Your Git Root
Reid Ransom
0 responses
shell, zsh, git, bash
Installing Docker in 15 Seconds
Anthony Smith
0 responses
linux, unix, docker
Extract your external IP using command line tools
Janos Gyerik
13 responses
perl, sed, curl, bash
Vim: Must have plugins
Evaldo Junior
0 responses
vim, plugins