Joined June 2013

Carol Skelly
Software Engineer and Developer
AngularJS Bootstrap Chat / Comment List
Carol Skelly
2 responses
bootstrap, javascript, angularjs
NodeJS: Render download file to EJS template
Carol Skelly
0 responses
node, express, nodejs
Making TodoMVC AngularJS Responsive with Bootstrap 3
Carol Skelly
2 responses
mvc, bootstrap, javascript, angularjs
Change the Bootstrap NavBar Breakpoint
Carol Skelly
39 responses
css, responsive, mobile, css3
Bootstrap Carousels
Carol Skelly
1 response
css, bootstrap, front-end, carousel
1,811 Karma
517,782 Total ProTip Views

Fork and commit to someone's open source project in need

Lemmings 100
Write something great enough to have at least 100 watchers of the project

Forked 100
Have a seriously badass project that's been forked at least 100 times

Forked 50
Have a project with a thriving community of users that's been forked at least 50 times

Forked 20
Have an established project that's been forked at least 20 times

Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else

Have at least one original jQuery or Prototype open source repo

Honey Badger
Have at least one original Node.js-specific repo