Trending Programming Tips
Jeff L
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jquery, console.log
Image Uploads with CKEditor and Laravel
Paul Grau
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php, laravel, upload, ckeditor
Simple & Pure JavaScript Array.unique method with 5 lines of code
Tamer Shlash
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prototype, array, unique, javascript
You don't want to build your own minifier
Matthias Mullie
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php, css, js, minify
UICollectionView: Set Initial ContentOffset
Robert Wünsch
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cocoa touch, objective-c, uicollectionview
LaTex with Vim
eranga bandara
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osx, vim, latex, unix
Responsive Images with this One Weird Trick
Jim Greenleaf
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css, responsive, image, background-image
Getting Started (InfluxDB - Grafana - Docker)
Matt Conroy
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python, docker, grafana, influxdb
Shutdown all running Vagrant boxes
Ryan Sonnek
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ruby, unix, vagrant
Ultra simple jQuery tabs
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tabs, easy, jquery, tabbing
Upgrading to OSX Yosemite (as a Ruby dev)
Joe Connor
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ruby, osx, homebrew, yosemite
Simple Developer Todo
Mike Piccolo
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shell, todo, bash
Install shellshock patched bash from source
Montana Flynn
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shell, security, linux, bash
Understanding the Shellshock Vulnerability
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security, bash, shellshock
You shouldn't be afraid of AngularJS
Tony Alicea
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git easy merging with merging tools!
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
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git, conflict, mergetool, p4merge
boot2docker auto export ip
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development, ip, boot2docker, docker
Yakuake scripting
Ivaylo Sachanski
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linux, yakuake
Deleting Chrome Searched History with Javascript
عمار لقيس
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chrome, history, chromium, dom
Find when an object is modified in JavaScript
Laurent Perrin
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debugger, js, object, javascript
How to parse a file XML without root (or a malformed XML) in Java
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xml parse, malformed xml, java xml parse
Installing The Courier Unicode Library From Source
Tamer Shlash
2 responses
unicode, courier, courier mail server, courier mta