Trending Programming Tips
Epic simple way of quickly swaping two chunks of CSS or JS
Nico Fantino
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css, debug, trick, play
Use _.bind() for simple callbacks.
Asa Ayers
0 responses
underscorejs, javascript
Export oVirt VM to qcow2 image file
Patricio Bruna
3 responses
linux, virtualization, kvm, qcow2
Sorting Doctrine ArrayCollection
Matteo Caberlotto
1 response
sorting, doctrine, arraycollection
Remove trailing white spaces on save in ST3
Clayton McIlrath
4 responses
sublime text, editor, ide, st2
Listen for keypress on non-form elements.
Sam Mussell
0 responses
javascript, html
How and Why I Switched Away From
David Hilowitz
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What is the difference between g++ and gcc?
Ketan Parmar
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gcc, g, c, difference
Pass by value (sort of) in AngularJS by copy()ing
Oliver Tupman
1 response
javascript, angularjs
Solving "Class not found" errors in Laravel 4
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
php, shell, laravel, composer
Ruby Object Model: Classes abertas e Monkey patch
Rogério Zambon
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ruby, patch, object, model
Free background jobs on heroku
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rails, heroku, unicorn, resque
Git Time Savers
Rodolfo Novak
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zsh, cli, tricks, git
Show what PID is listening on a port (Linux)
Hatem Nassrat
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linux, server, port, fuser
reverse array in python
Yuwei Ba
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python, array, reverse
1600% faster app requests with Rails on Heroku
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rails, heroku, unicorn, eventmachine
Guide to HTML5 WebSocket
Ankit Shah
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websocket, html5
Ruby timeouts are dangerous
Abdul Chaudhry
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ruby, mysql, threads
Showing active queries by type in MongoDB
Brandon Black
0 responses
mongodb, databases
Doctor, doctor; Why is my ActiveRecord scope eager-loading?
Stuart Liston
0 responses
activerecord, scope, eager load
Creating patch from GitHub pull request
Willy Barro
6 responses
patch, diff, merge, pullrequest
Firefox 3D view legend
Gonçalo Morais
0 responses
css, html, firefox, debug
My Web Design Gold-Mine (aka my bookmarks)
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
css, photoshop, css3, protip