Trending Programming Tips
Helpful Bash Aliases for Django
Ron Elliott
0 responses
python, django, bash
Sublime web Inspector
0 responses
css, css3, jquery, html
Searchable RegEx Cheat Sheet
James Barnett
0 responses
regex, linux, cheatsheet, bash
Chrome log assertions
Javier Guerra
2 responses
chrome, console, log, javascript
Don't fuck up
M. Auayan
1 response
Nested Set Model: the best approach to deal with hierarchical data
2 responses
ruby, mysql, rails, sql
Protip #1
Gino Fazari
0 responses
Rendering any Android View directly to an OpenGL Texture
Anuraag Sridhar
5 responses
android, opengl
AngularJS: use $timeout, not setTimeout
Oliver Tupman
12 responses
javascript, scopes, angularjs, timeouts
Enable GZIP support on Heroku
Luiz Fonseca
2 responses
ruby, css, rails, heroku
Make the command line fly
John Stevenson
2 responses
zsh, command line, prezto
merge vs. rebase: choosing the right tool
Jan Krüger
2 responses
merge, rebase, pull, git
Setting up Webstorm for Meteor
Benjamin Harris
1 response
setup, meteor, webstorm
Read large files line by line in node.js
Stephan Steynfaardt
2 responses
nodejs, large files
Redirecting embedded controllers in Symfony2
Steffan Harries
4 responses
symfony, controllers, embedded, redirects
Ignore .sass-cache folder in Sublime Text
Jon Thomas
9 responses
sublime text, sass
Jasny Bootstrap – File upload with existing file
Arnold Daniels
5 responses
php, bootstrap, javascript
Set a break point in your Android code
Pascal Hartig
0 responses
debugging, android
Looking for Pull Requests
Fernando Doglio
1 response
open-source, pull request, github
Building/Updating your resume, easier than you might think
Nicholas Jordon
2 responses
ruby, php, css, resume
iOS Custom Views and Accessibility in Table Views
Kerri Shotts
4 responses
ios, accessibility, tableview, scrolling