Trending Programming Tips
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Text and layout too small in a Samsung Galaxy S3?
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Live editing Light Table themes
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Random without repeating last
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Testing your JavaScript with Karma runner
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Python interactive last value
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Rails db:migrate
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Use lambdas for RSpec subjects
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Access Rails App from Plain Ruby Script
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Super-quick Apache domain redirect
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Copy/Cut text to clipboard in vim
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Quick edit the recent changed file with vi & ls
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JavaScript sandbox with Web Workers
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Smarter GNU Less Defaults
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Flight & Apotomo
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Flat UI Color Palette for Inkscape / Gimp
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Form Errors in Chaplin JS views
Ross Brown
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Avoid the word "and" in your method names
Austin Keeley
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Move window buttons to the left using GNOME on Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail
Felipe Lavín Z.
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gnome-shell, ubuntu
The Best Place to Run PHP/MySQL, HTML/CSS and JavaScript Code Online - PhpFiddle
Marco Trulla
0 responses
php, css, js, coding